Asset Library

How to search the file in Asset Library?
 The Asset Library is the user interface for the Document Management System built into this application. It is a repository of files published through a ...
Sat, 5 Oct, 2019 at 6:38 PM
Can I edit the Meta-data?
To edit the Metadata of the file in Asset Library, follow the below steps. (Based on the Access Control)  Search and filter the file in Asset Library, then...
Tue, 26 Nov, 2019 at 2:34 PM
How to share file from Asset Library?
Go to Asset Library - Tab and click the menu icon to see the list of options. Click Share option as shown below and a popup will appear.   The receiver m...
Tue, 26 Nov, 2019 at 2:30 PM
How to download file from Asset Library?
Go to Asset Library tab and click the menu icon to see the list of options. Click Download option as shown below and the file will be downloaded in the ...
Tue, 26 Nov, 2019 at 2:38 PM
How to upload file in Asset Library?
Go to the Asset Library - Tab and click Upload Files. (Based on the Access Control)   The user should select a file from their system and fill the Metadata...
Tue, 26 Nov, 2019 at 2:37 PM
How to see the Metadata of file in Asset Library?
Go to Asset Library - Tab and click the menu icon to see the list of options. Click Properties option as shown below to view the Metadata. The Metadata...
Tue, 26 Nov, 2019 at 2:25 PM